Criminal Defence
Prudentia Law, Criminal Defence

DUI, Impaired driving
When it is alleged that you were drunk while driving, you can be charged for impaired driving, driving over .80 and refusal to provide breath samples. Alcohol related offences are the most heavily litigated areas of criminal law even though they are one of the most defensible. This area of criminal law is also one of the most technical, requiring experience and knowledge in the law and instrumentation involved. At Prudentia Law, we will assist you in early resolution negotiations with the crown that may sometimes see the charges dropped. We can also assist you at trial by challenging the facts which may include observations and actions of the police at the initial interactions, the state of the roadside instrument and breathalyzer machine etc. We can also use the Charter of Rights and Freedom and interpret the laws in your favor for the best possible outcome.
Fraud & Theft
Theft is what is commonly known as stealing, i.e., taking something that does not belong to you. Though similar to theft, fraud has an additional element of deceit or misrepresentation in the offence. The severity of these charges is largely dependent on two factors: the value of the goods taken (the greater the value the more serious the offence) and the sophistication of the theft (the more sophisticated the act or scheme the more serious the offence). Due to the number of legal complexities surrounding these types of cases, you will benefit from our experience and knowledge for the best possible outcome.
Drug offences
Illegal drug offences usually come with mandatory minimum jail sentences. There is much that we can do for you at Prudentia Law like using the facts and the law to enter early resolution negotiations with the crown that may see charges dropped or get you into an Alternative Measures Program. We can also assist you at trial by navigating complexities, evidential and legal issues, and using the Charter of Rights and Freedoms to get an acquittal. We will assist in challenging the facts and interpreting the laws in your favor. Depending on the outcome, we can assist you in avoiding jail, or reduce the jail time.
Assault & Threats including assault on police officer
With an assault or threat conviction, you can go to jail, be restricted from travel, or be imposed a restraining or no-contact order, etc. At Prudentia Law, we can assist you in getting you into an alternative measures program, get a peace bond or assist you at trial. At trial, we will challenge the facts, interpret laws in your favour and use any violations of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms for the best possible outcome. Should the need arise, we will do all we can to avoid a criminal record, avoid or reduce jail time.
Sexual assault
In Canada, sex crimes include, groping, stalking, voyeurism, harassment, to more serious allegations of forced sex, exploitation, sodomy, child sexual abuse, and gang rape. A charge of sexual assault can be laid with relatively little evidence based solely on the allegations of a single person, without corroborating evidence or other witnesses. However, this too may come with consequences that a far-reaching, devastating and long-lasting. Your interaction with authorities at the initial stages up to being charged may have unwanted consequences. At the initial stages, we will provide you with appropriate advice on how to proceed, protect yourself and the legal process as a whole. At Prudentia Law, we can assist you and negotiate with the authorities for an early resolution, depending on the facts. At trial, we will challenge the facts, interpret laws in your favour and use any violations of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms for the best possible outcome. Should the need arise, we will do all we can to avoid a criminal record, avoid or reduce jail time.
Domestic violence
Though domestic violence sometimes ends in the family law courts, it most often than not come with criminal charges. Following a police investigation at the residence for example, charges maybe laid. Depending on the circumstances and the facts, the prosecution of the matter may continue even if the victim asks for the charges to be dropped. At Prudentia Law, we can assist you in getting an early resolution of the matter, get a peace bond or assist you at trial. At trial, we will challenge the facts, interpret laws in your favour and use any violations of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms for the best possible outcome. Should the need arise, we will do all we can to avoid a criminal record, avoid or reduce jail time.
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Prudentia Law, Barristers & Solicitors
Welcome to Prudentia Law, a home for our clients where prudence, wisdom and advocacy overlap.
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At Prudentia Law, we aim to provide personalized legal services through innovative solutions with discretion, foresight, practical judgment and reasoning. With professionalism, integrity, understanding and compassion, our primary objective is to be the best legal representatives by putting our clients and their interests at the forefront of all actions. At Prudentia Law, we put our clients and their interests first.